
Extraordinary Virtual Tour for an University Congress

Extraordinary Virtual Tour for an University Congress

Extraordinary Virtual Tour for XI Scientific Congress of the Universidad de Oriente 2020

XI Scientific Congress of the Universidad de Oriente 2020

The Research Council of the Universidad de Oriente, through its Governing Authorities and the Organizing Committee of its five Nuclei, have the honor to wish you a cordial welcome to the XI Scientific Congress of the UDO 2020, to be held online from 25 to 27 of November 2020.

The XI Scientific Congress of the UDO 2020 is inscribed in the task of winning the fight against the paralysis of the Academy and Research, which has led to the situation of social withdrawal declared worldwide since last March as a result of the pandemic caused by the COVID19 virus.

The XI Scientific Congress of the UDO 2020 was born considering that the tendencies of professors, researchers and thesis students to share their research with their peers, in other Universities in Latin America and the world, has been, in the last four months, through online meetings semi-presential assisted by different types of technology.

The Scientific Congresses of the UDO, until 2014, have traditionally been held periodically, alternating between the different Nuclei of the University. But on this occasion the online nature of the XI Scientific Congress of the UDO 2020 will open the participation not only of the Udistas active in the five Nuclei and extensions of the East of the country, but also to the thousands of graduates and retirees who are active academically in other latitudes, which will enrich the event and the opportunities for scientific exchange.

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